Monday, October 25, 2010


In the lunchroom of the office TisBest shares, I find on the table a cardboard box with a shiny new stainless steel insulated mug inside - no wait - there is a thermos and a mug both!  I want it.  I want the shiny stainless steel with pretty logos and the nice box and the faux-leather carry bag that comes with it.

Then I realize how bizarre this is.  Here I am at TisBest’s office and I am wanting stuff. My family has more than one thermos and travel mug per person at home.  I have no use for this stuff.  But I nevertheless feel a remarkably strong desire to make it mine. 

I ponder.

I have invested a large part of my life in building TisBest because I want to give people an alternative to gifts of “more stuff.”  And yet this shiny new gift set (that I have no use for) captivates me at a deep level. 

Very odd.  I think about it for a few days, and I don’t have any great answers.  I don’t know why I want to own shiny new things in a box that I have no use for.  Is it hoarding?  Is it the inevitable result of a lifetime consuming Madison Avenue output?  Is it a simple lust for more?  I wish I knew. 

-Erik Marks


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh, I totally 'get' your musings on the "shiny new gift set." Recently I bought a snazzy, expensive new coffee maker because the warmer plate on our Mr. Coffee is a bit banged up, and I was sucked in by all the bells and whistles on the new one. Fortunately the "new kid" couldn't hold its water and leaked all over the kitchen counter the first time I used it. I took it back to the store and apologized to the Mr. Coffee carafe that it had to sit on a dented warmer! And I laughed at myself for my folly--I'm always grateful when I recognize a growth opportunity.

Hank Hendricks said...
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